
Sunday, April 3, 2011

March Madness...Fun in the Sun...Part II: Coffin Island with our friends from Germany, Canada, and Puerto Rico

Orion anchored at Coffin Island
On the first weekend in March we got out to sea our beloved Coffin Island! We were joined by Ulrich and Renate, our German friends, who lived in Puerto Rico for 10 years. They arrived a few days earlier to attend the same wedding we went's a small world :o) So we invited them for an overnight at Coffin Island on Orion and they happily accepted. We had a nice sail out to the island, where we were joined by our Canadian friends Peter and Liz on their sailboat ( a Passport 40) "Kynda". Peter and Liz had sailed to Salinas earlier in February to meet up with us...will tell more about them in the next post on this blog! As said...March was the month of meeting lots of old and new friends here in Salinas...what a remarkable experience! We all had a great time at Coffin Island, especially because we even met our sailing friends from Ponce there...Richard and Mercedes and Bob and Joan! What a wonderful surprise for all of us :o) Too bad I did not take my camera to the beach when we were all gathered there...ah well...the nicest times remain in our hearts :o) 

Ulrich and Renate
Ulrich and Renate sure enjoyed themselves and even got into the "cold" water without moaning and this time of year it feels kind of chilly to us tropical kids, so you can hear us moaning and groaning when we get in, hahahaha. I guess it's all relative! Of course I am wearing my shorty wet suit...seriously :o) in my wet suit...told you so!
Rick with Orion in back

Hello Claudia and Vanessa in Germany...we missed you!    

Last but not least hello to my triplet brother Willi in Germany...We miss you Willi!
We stayed overnight at Coffin Island and pulled anchor in the morning to head back to Salinas. We had an almost uneventful trip...if it hadn't been for the engine cooling system not working properly (again)! Luckily we could sail most of the way and eventually arrived back in port. There we said goodbye to our friends from Germany...thanks for joining us...we had a great time :o)