
Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Wandering Mooring Ball...

Bahia Tamarindo
Uff...this morning we had a rude awakening (!) at Tamarindo...the anchor alarm went on around 0500 (5:00 a.m.) right after a squall had passed through. What anchor alarm?...Thought you were on a mooring? Well yes...we are secured to a mooring ball, but my captain always puts on the anchor alarm on our GPS just in case the boat starts moving for some reason. Most of the time the anchor alarm comes on when the wind changes drastically, a brief check of the screen display usually confirms this and we turn the alarm off, so it can reset itself.


Not so this morning! This morning the alarm was for real, and because this has never happened to us before...since we never used mooring balls took a few more minutes than usual for my captain's light bulb to go on in his head. Of course it was pitch black outside, which didn't make things any easier! By the time I woke up however it was crystal clear that we were dragging...with the mooring ball! So we both sprang into action...not many words were necessary...just confirming to each other that we had to let go of that mooring ball. I knew my part and of course my captain knew his part...working in the dark is a little bit different, but we made it without problems...luckily we were in deep water and not stranded on the rocks or some awful thing like that! And luckily we were in between squalls and had time to motor a bit further up to Tamarindo Grande to pick up another mooring ball before the sky opened up again :)

We are now moored securely (we hope) at Tamarindo Grande enjoying the magnificent scenery...and without the million and one flies I talked about in my last post...they must have read it, too and decided to fly away and bother someone cool is that?

I am glad that my captain took precautions by setting the anchor alarm even when secured to a mooring...things could have turned ugly otherwise!

The rain has stopped, making space for beautiful sunshine to show off the turquoise sea around us :)

To top it all...three turtles have been splashing around ORION...I tried hard to capture one on my camera (ipad2), but it is difficult, so the one showing here is all you will get...for now!

We will try and contact DRNA (Department of Natural Resources in Puerto Rico) later to tell them about the mooring ball that came loose at Tamarindo...we did not see it again, but all's well that ends well :)